Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kick off

What a way to kick off the school holidays! My Auntie Beth hosted our "Big" Family Easter hunt this year - I should point out that by "Big" Family This includes my Nana, Mum, little sis and her bf, my mums two youngest sisters who have five kids... each, my big sis and her four babies then me and my three, so when we all get together, which is quite often, there's a grand total of 12 adults and 17 kids aging from 8weeks to 15.

It's always  beautiful chaos when that many kids get together and they all have a ball! They are all shuffled inside to dance away to some music that has been put on, while the adults scatter the truck loads of chocolate eggs that each family has brought along. Once the scattering is done, the kids are released starting from the youngest to oldest, the older kids are pros at helping the little kids ensuring they each get a chance to do some slow and steady hunting. The dads do a quick sweep to make sure no eggs have been overlooked, then the eggs are divided up between the families.

Auntie Beth bravely offered to have any ones kids to sleep over too, So she ended up with 7 extra kids for two nights, Taylah-benet included.

So it has just been me and my two boys today, Carter is back to his fussy habits of not sleeping or settling much during the day. I really shouldn't complain at all because he is quite perfect at night, he did a 9 hour stretch last night. It is always a pleasant and welcomed surprise when I check the time when he wakes up and it's two hours longer than his usual stretch.

I got some good news today, The dentist phoned to let me know that my plate is ready for me to pick up! So I'm heading back into the City tomorrow to pick it up.

My Nana just got back from her 4 weeks in New Zealand and she knitted a beautiful little cardigan for Carter. It inspired me to pull out my knitting so I did a little bit today {It was actually really difficult with Carter being so fussy} I really enjoy knitting. My Nana taught me when I was little, but that was the extent of it until about two years ago. I had just gone through a pretty traumatic experience and for some reason I took up with knitting! It is wonderfully therapeutic and the productive too, I love crafts that produce something useful, like a clothing garment or a blanket.

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