Sunday, October 28, 2012

Apple Rhubarb Crumble

Last night I made this for the husband and I and I thought I'd share as it was SUPER DELICIOUS!!

Apple Rhubarb Crumble


600g Rhubarb, cut into 3cm pieces
4-5 Granny Smith Apples, cored, quartered and sliced
1Cup of Caster Sugar


1 Cup of plain flour
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Coconut
65g Unsalted butter


First off, I did this different to the actual recipe.

First I stewed the Rhubarb with the sugar and a tiny amount or water {make sure you stay and watch it, as it does not take long to burn it} once all the Rhubarb has stewed/softened I transferred it to another bowl then stewed the apple {we used Pink lady apples, it's completely up to you} with another cup of caster sugar and a tiny amount of water {again, stay and watch it!} once the apple slices were all soft and stewed I just mixed the two together and placed it in the greased baking dish.

For the crumble, Mix the dry ingredients with the butter to form a breadcrumb like mixture.

Place crumble over top of the apple and rhubarb.

Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Served with Ice cream and/or cream

ENJOY! We did!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Glee MPS School Production

This week Taylah-Benet had her school production and this year it was based on the popular TV series 'Glee'. They had two performances. Wednesday and Thursday night. She has been so excited in the lead up to this production, singing and dancing at home, I was excited to see her perform on the night.

I went to the Wednesday night show with Mathias and my Mum and it was pretty good. I have only been to one other school production there years ago when Taylah-Benet was a baby and it was not a good memory. I don't remember too much about the show, but that the hall was so so hot and jam packed full of people.

This years show was pretty good, and by good I mean you had to be one of the parents to feel that it was good. But, I did enjoy it.

Taylah-Benet's class danced to 'Sweet Caroline' and 'Baby, baby, baby' She was by far the cutest thing on that stage!

I was a little upset by the fact that she was placed in the back. well, more than a little. Not like in the middle, the very back and they didn't even move from their spots so she was in the back for their whole performance.

All I really wanted was to she my little girl shine in her moment, and I did! she had a fabulous time. I guess I wanted other people to she her shine too, but she wasn't even given the opportunity {gosh I sound like an overbearing mother! tell me I'm not alone here!}

Wednesday 24th October 2012 School Production 'Glee MPS' Kindy

She is the sweetest little girl and I love her with every fiber of my being. As long as I know she is safe, happy, learning and growing, I figure at least I'm getting something right. Kerry tells me she is just like me, but I feel she is all the BEST parts of me, they all are. I know I'm biased but I think as mothers it's our right to be, and that's what makes us good mothers to OUR children.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oh no! My Baby's growing

I know that is a good thing, but heck! Carter had started to get up on his knees a couple of weeks back, which progressed to a three hundred and sixty degree swivel, then to pushing his body backwards. But now he's found a way to move forward and I can't keep him still! he's fallen off my bed two times this week! TWO times! on my watch too!

I must say, it is the cutest thing to watch him move forward, he hasn't got the crawling with his knees thing, instead, he uses he feet to push himself forward it looks hilarious, like a little frog!

So, on top of that. he tried to stand up holding on the the furniture today too! Who said my baby could grow so much over night! Seriously. Now nothing is safe!

I realise I may have been a little harsh on the old Phil and Teds last time, when truthfully, I love my pram. I think it's one of the most stylish 'inline' double prams around. It looks great, it feels great and easy to push {when there's nothing wrong with it} and if all else fails, their customer support is impeccable.

Today I received a new frame, a new front wheel, mud guards, and bumper bar total RRP$650 for $0, it's like I have a whole new and better pram, and I love it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bad Vibe s...

I've been sitting here most of the evening wondering what I could write about on my blog. What happened this week? Nothing? really? How boring!?

Then I remember, a not so nice something, that I just have to laugh at because if I don't laugh, I might just cry or punch someone!?

On my usual walk on Friday morning, I was nearing the end of the 6km heading back to my sisters house, pushing my two boys in my Phil & Ted Vibe pram when suddenly it felt kind of strange to push the pram, something happened and it wasn't until I walked a little further and looked down to where Carter was sitting in the double kit and his seat had sunken a little lower.

The back bar of my pram had completely detached itself from the main frame. Thankfully, Carter was fine, because the double kit was still locked into the front of the frame, it didn't fall to the ground.

I find this kind of funny because the pram cost so much being their top of the line pram that I insisted on having! and it is only 3 years old.

It's now useless as it can't even be used as a single because the whole frame is now unstable.

I took Carter out and placed him in the front and made Mathias walk with me back to Camilla's.

I have been in contact with Phil & Ted to give them a piece of my mind! But really, how dangerous is that!!

I am hoping they'll replace the frame, but still, I think I'll be steering clear of Phil & Teds from now on!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ain't nothin' but a number...Right?

I know my weight shouldn't bother me so much. But it does.

Monday I did a big clean up of my bedroom and pulled out all my 'yellow' cards from each of my pregnancies. Only to realise that what I weigh now, is the same as what I weighed when I was 40 Weeks Pregnant!!! with Taylah-benet. I know, shocking right!?

I am trying to slowly and surely trying to change my bad habits and create new and healthy ones. WISH ME SOME LUCK!! HARD WORK!

Hmm think I might give this a go!?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's been a Cake Pop kind of week...

It has been a cake pop kind of week / weekend

The first lot were for a Thomas the Tank Engine themed 3rd birthday party. I made a THIS Red Velvet Cake which I use all the time, with cream cheese frosting, then coated with blue candy melts {confectionery coating}

The second batch I made for a little girls 9th pamper birthday party, with the theme colours of teal and pink. I made the yellow cake recipe from Bakerella's book 'Cake Pops' and added teal colour paste and bubblegum essence, with cream cheese frosting, then coated with a packet of hot pink melts combined with a packet of super white melts to tone down the hot pink. THEN, my first time ever, once they set, dusted on pink pearl dust, which give it a shimmer look. So Pretty!!

Have I told you I LOVE to bake!? Happy Birthday guys, I hope you enjoyed eating them, as much as I enjoyed making them!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What makes the difference?

Taylah-Benet has been back at school for three days now and it's always refreshing to re-discover the feeling of having one less child, for a significant part of the day.

Each time I have another precious little baby, I realise how much easier it was to have the former. Two kids is so much easier than three, and one kid is so much easier than two. You get the idea.

Yet when I think back to my days of just one little tot, I remember feeling like this whole motherhood gig was a tough, time consuming job! I thought finding time to have a shower was hard then...when really, I had NO idea!

I think having one is tough. Essentially because it is all new. Learning how to be a mother, generally from a course of trial and error. My Nana told me once, that it really is a wonder how any of our first Born's survive, because they are the first runs, they are the ones we may learn our mistakes from. Not to say we don't learn from our mistakes with the other children, because they are each SO different and unique.

It is all uphill from there.

More children, take more time, have more demands, and needs that are expected to be met by one. little. You!

Yes. being a mum {all in my 6years journey so far!} is more demanding and difficult than it is easy.

But as we'll always say...SO worth it!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Keeping the spark alive

Six and half years of marriage and three kids in tow, that spark we had when we first met can fizzle a little. Time and kids will do that to a couple.

We don't have the same carefree lifestyle we used to have {not the we thought it was carefree back then!} We have things like responsibilities, bills to pay, mouths to feed, and then be put to bed at a reasonable hour so we can actually get some 'Me' time.

BUT, there's always reminders throughout my day of how much I love him, why I love him so much, and why, that although we are far from perfect, we are perfect for each other.

It could be as simple a a glance across the room, a phone call, or him bringing flowers and chocolates home for me after a rough day.

We don't get the time {or the money} to go out on a date night too often, but when we do, it's a real treat.

Thank you Mum for taking our three kids for the evening, we are always grateful, and I'm always excited to pick them up again.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

One of those days

Today was one of those days. The ones where I phone my husband at work every 10 minutes to see when he's coming home. The one where Taylah-benet is hitting her brother, and amping up the 'school girl' attitude. Where Mathias hits his baby brother while I'm driving and when I tell him off, his eyes widen as if to threaten me, he claps his hands at me and snaps 'No!' And the one where as soon as my husband does walk in the door I crumble into a ball of tears.

A little because of the naughty behaviour I've been struggling with all day. But mostly because of the way I have behaved in reaction.

I hope I can learn to be better! and I am grateful the tomorrow is a new day!

We have had a pretty sweet school holidays so far. 'Madagascar 3' with Nana. Church playgroup, Thirroul beach with my sisters family. 'Hotel Transylvania' in 3D with daddy. Wiggles play center with friends. and to finish it off this weekend we have plans of swimming pools, Costco, and the kids hanging out with Nana so the Mr and I can catch a date night {Yay!}

I must say I am looking forward to school going back! {that might be a first!}