Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's out

Ok so real quick as I am coming to you from the husbands iPhone lying in bed ment to be going to sleep! It. Is. Out! I had my front tooth surgically extracted today which I was waaaaaaay nervous about and like always, I really had nothing to worry about, I was in good hands. I love orthodontists! And it has everything to do with the one I grew up with, I know right, most people say they grew up with a dog or a cat, but how many can say they grew up with an orthodontist!? Just to paint the pitcher for you I was a pretty darn quiet kid, and that's an understatement. I didn't speak 'boo' to nobody except my siblings. When I started school I wouldn't even speak to the teachers, there was one little girl I made friends with and she would talk for me. I also remember with every visit to the hospital to see the speach therapist and surgeons, they were always hopeful that I would speak to them, even one word! So it was a shock to them all that I took so quickly to my orthodontist. Sax Dearing Was his name, and every visit he would tell me How pretty I was, this man was such a big part of my childhood, it was sad to say goodbye. The orthidontist today reminded me of Sax. He was so kind and gentle and explained every step he was taking with the greatest care. He gave me what seemed to be ten needles to my gum, around the tooth and to my palate, taking his time to make sure I felt as little pain or discomfort as possible. And of corse, I didn't feel a thing, he even stitched the hole up to ensure nothing can get in there, gave me His mobile number and is going to phone me in the morning to Check how I am going with it. Afterwards Kerry dropped Carter and I home and went out to run some errands and get our kids, which gave me the chance to have a two hour nap with Carter. I pick up my new tooth on Thursday, until then, I'll remain in hiding! Happy weekend all Xx

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oh what a week!

Oh what a week this is shaping up to be!
First my struggles with breastfeeding, and today Mathias has been throwing up, Taylah-benet came home from school complaining of a soar tummy and neither of them are eating. I think Carter has it too, because he is bringing up his milk and been quite sleepy and drinking less, Not to mention I don't feel too crash hot either! One good thing about having sick babies, they have been sleeping or just lounging a lot today = sleeping and lounging for mummy!

My two sick boys
I had the Implanon put in my arm today It's only for three years and I don't have to worry about pills or anything really
I am super nervous about Saturday, I am having my front tooth extracted. I've had plenty of extractions but I'm way nervous because this tooth is right where all the repair work was done on my clef lip and palate. I feel like I've turned into a hermit since my tooth started to chip, I even got a call from my RS pres this week...I'm on the less active list haha

Taylah-benet has learnt a 'colourful' new word from the school play ground this week
I nearly cried when I heard 'the F word' come out of my babies mouth and quietly I explain that, that is a very naughty word that we should not say ever!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sneak peek Eeek!

About 3 weeks ago we had some photos taken for Carter and the kids and a couple with me and hubby in them too.

Last September I went to a children and babies market that travels around Australia. There was tonnes of super gorgeous stuff for little girls, and not so much for boys {which is just a fact of life now!}

Anyhow, before I even went to Mathilda's market I was in the process of organising a photographer to take some family photos as it had been just nearly three years since our last family photos.

There was a photographer there with a stall that I absolutely fell in love with and I knew I had to get this girl to capture my little growing families personalities.

So, after much convincing {aka begging and pleading} I convinced hubby to let me book this girl and I was completely blown away with the result, they are no less than perfect and captured my daughters' carefree spirit and beautiful smile, my sons' never ending energy and curiosity for adventure, she even managed to capture the excitement of our anticipated bundle of joy.

Well, I had a bit of a frustrating evening as I am struggling to breastfeed Carter and for some reason this time around I just want to do it so bad! But this sneak peek of our photos taken three weeks ago has made my day {plus a few extra cuddles and kisses from my Taylah-benet}

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. -Walt Streightiff

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pj's day

I am totally declaring Mondays 'Pjs day' at my house!
Kerry is at Tafe from 8am until 9pm and takes the car, so it is the one day I don't have to take
 Taylah-benet to and from school - my mum does it for me and brings her home after school.

So, I'm still trying to work on breastfeeding Carter although I haven't actually had him on my breast in nearly a week due to damage, I am expressing three times a day. The idea was to express until they heal, then I can try again.
I believe the damage is occurring because I wasn't attaching him properly. I am finding that even expressing is delaying the healing, but I so badly want this to work, I guess to kind of prove to myself that I can do it!?

I have been watching videos on youtube which are helpful and reading up on breastfeeding etc. My biggest support is my sister, I'm so glad I have her to support me and give me good advice (she has breastfeed all four of her babies!!) Kerry is not as supportive, but I can't say that I blame him, he does see first hand the emotional stress I experience and the damage to my nipples, and seriously, if I saw someone elses' like mine, I'd be like 'dude! give that baby a bottle!'

I am so hopeful that it will all workout and in 3 months time I'll be able to look back on everything I'm going through now to try and breastfeed, and I can be proud, because I did it!

If not, I guess I'll need to reassure myself that I did try my hardest, but if it doesn't workout then it doesn't make me any less of a mother.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Introducing Mr Coco Bloom

First off I have to say I feel especially spoilt to have two boys with blue eyes!

I have a new best friend this week, his name is Mr Coco Bloom and he is a baby lounger or rocker.
Carter loves it and mummy loves it even more because Carter will settle in it during the day! well, some times but that's great!

I drove out to Picton on Tuesday to pick Mr Bloom up (thank you ebay!) I took my niece Harlow for a drive with me and we had some yummy Oreo smiles!

And check it out, I discovered

Last weekend I went out three times! haha much to my husbands dismay - I took Carter with me as our stake RS celebrated Relief society's 170th birthday with a Cultural roadshow on Friday evening, Family history and community service workshops on Saturday morning, and then a sit down dinner on Saturday evening. They had T-shirts made up, it was a pretty cool weekend, even just to get out of the house!

Taylah-benet has well and truly turned into a school girl, all she does is talk and talk and sounds out words and letters she See's and hears, the other day I asked her to go away and instead of doing it quietly she looks back at me and says "G, g, g, go away!" Mathias likes to join in "mummy on the moon, M, m, m"

Another exciting development in our house, The kids watched the movie 'Real steal' last weekend and now they just love to "play fight" real punches and all! They've had the lecture that the only person they are allowed to punch is Kerry, but I have caught them a few time this week.

My dainty and delicate Taylah-benet had her 8 year old cousin pinned down on the trampoline throwing punches to her!!

And Mathias...well, he's taken to punching his sister! Thanks daddy!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Precious moments

Carter is 5 weeks tomorrow and growing way to quick for my liking! maybe it's because it has been so long since I had a newborn or the knowledge that I won't have another newborn for another couple of years. Either way, I love every second with him.

He is perfect at night! from birth really, he has always had a longer sleep at night which is wonderful! The daytime, however, is a whole other story! he is very difficult to settle to sleep during the day he just doesn't seem to want to sleep. He is feeding about every three hours and hardly sleeps at all during the day, this wouldn't be a problem at all if he was my only baby! but it makes my job that much more difficult when there are two others I need to look after too! I either have to carry him around or run back a forwards to his room to put his dummy back in.

I have been lucky this week to have Kerry home in the evenings to help out, I'm not looking forward to him going away for work next week, but I must say, I am getting a little better at it...I think!?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Guuurl You got some sweet buns...

I usually just style my hair with my ghd and wear it down, but after seeing THIS tutorial on The Daybook, I thought I'd try it out. I didn't do it properly (with the teasing) because I didn't keep it like this, I just wanted to see what it would look like on me and see what the husband thought of it.

So tell me...what do you think??

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Thanks to my Gorgeous friend Erana from over at *le halls* I have been following two blogs rockstar diaries and The Daybook.

These two mummy's have some serious personal style and reading their blogs has made me wish I had my own personal stylist. So I have made it a quite (now not so quite) goal of mine to take more risks when shopping for clothing for myself #Watchthisspace...

On the other hand, I LOVE shopping for Taylah-benet, there is so much gorgeous clothes out for little girls I can't resist, I feel like her personal stylist! and most of the clothes I buy for her I quiet often wish they had it in my size.

here's what my baby girl rocked today. Xx

Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday all!

This week has been better than the previous - even though I've faced a couple of trials - I've discovered the power of controlling my outlook. It started with my idea to write down ten things I am grateful for. When I came face to face with a trial, however small it may have been, I thought to myself, I can melt into a puddle of tears under the weight of it and where would that leave me? the answer; worse off! not that I could change the circumstances I was under, but instead of trying to look at it in an optimistic manner and facing the trial with a somewhat cheerful mindset, I would just be in the same situation and be a puddle!

So on Wednesday morning when I got all three kids down to the car in the morning to run Taylah-Benet to school, and discovered my drivers door would not latch closed at all and none of the other doors would unlock, I panicked a little with Carter in my sling, holding Mathias by the arm and Taylah-Benet in tow, I took a deep breath and instead of becoming a puddle I decided to think of it as a game! 'ok kids! lets all climb into the car though mummy's door!!' mission accomplished, puddle averted.

On Thursday having to sit for four hours in traffic on a journey that would normally only take 45mins, I couldn't change the situation I was in, I could only change how I looked at it, what could I be grateful for? The fact that my car, which has been over heating for several weeks now, despite sitting in traffic for 4 hours, didn't over heat once!! a miracle and blessing I think!

So, my new mantra...'Be Optimistic, don't ya be a grumpy, when the road gets bumpy, just smile, smile and be happy!'

hope you have had a happy week and have an even better weekend! Xx

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Ready

I'm ready to take on another week. Kerry has been super awesome this weekend with taking care of number 1 and number 2, while all I had to do was look after number 3.

I have two confessions.

First; I went out a brought a tin of baby formula - I think I have to come to terms with the fact that I'm just not cut out for breastfeeding, it is great while it lasts but it seems to always end up the same. I always feel like I let myself down and my baby, but I need to look at my big two and remember that they were both bottle fed, and they turned out ok!?

And second; I had a chocolate frappe!! They really are sooooo good and we were buying Mc Donalds for the kids dinner as it was getting late, and I totally caved. I'm actually pretty proud that I haven't completely lost it and stuffed my face with chocolate on the evenings where I've been so stressed out by the three kids. Still, no excuess! I will try harder to resist!

I gained another beautiful nephew this week! my big brother and his beautiful wife welcomed their second baby boy into the world on Friday 2nd March Hugo Oscar Parahi-Merz, unfortunately for me they live in Hamilton NZ. But I hear they are all well and over the moon, and I can't wait to meet the little guy!

ohhh and one last exciting peice of news!! Taylah-benet is out of pull-ups at night and into undies!! only mummy's could understand my excitement, and I may be jumping the gun a little, but we told her she had to have a dry pull-up for 5 nights (her being 5 and all) before we would let her wear undies and she did all last week so last night was her first dry night in undies! Let's hope it stays that way!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hey, Hey it's Saturday!!

Thank Goodness for Weekends! I was originally dreading this Saturday as it was looking like the husband was going to be working! and with my week that progressively got worse, my poor husband has had a few too many phone calls from me breaking down into tears - making him feel even more helpless.

But! turns out someone was watching out for me and he didn't end up having to work, so, I've had a pretty nice Saturday where all I did was look after baby Carter and me, while Kerry took care of the big two!

I feel like a first time mummy all over again! constantly on the phone to my mum, my sister or my aunties - getting their advice on what the heck I should be doing!! I know it won't always be this difficult, but boy, when it rains it pours! and it certainly did for me this week! So, in my attempt to look on the brighter side, I decided to write down ten things in my journal that I am grateful for.

It really did help me to see the many blessing I have and the problems seem not so big anymore!

What are you grateful for??

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Challange..Day one

I have taken on the No Junk Food Challenge and dragged the husband along too. I'm nearing the end of day one with success! (even though I've had a terrible day!) I even ate more fruit and veggies today too! I'm not too sure how I'll go, if I'll last the 21 days, as the list pretty much describes my daily diet. But I'll try it! Wish me luck! Xx