Sunday, July 28, 2019

Back to school...homeschool

The kids went back to school this week, funny story, I took the boys to school on Monday but it was a student free day haha my bad. So they actually started back on Tuesday. Which means I started homeschool on Tuesday. I’m really struggling with homeschool, consistency is not a strength of mine and I don’t have great stamina either which make it really difficult for me. On the other hand it is so great for Taylah, there is no doubt it was and is the right choice for her. So I’m persisting with it, trying not to place too much pressure on myself to ‘keep up’ with the work load we have. Not ideal, but I need to make it work, at least until the end of the year and see how we go.

Kerry and I had a chat this week about life lessons and personal growth. I feel like there are two kinds of people, there are those that will learn the lesson from their experiences and allow it to help them grow into a better person. Then there are people who don’t learn the lesson, and stunt their own growth. They hold on tight to the person they currently are, or hold onto negative thought patterns or feelings that make them feel safe and comfortable in who they currently are so they don’t have to be vulnerable and change.

My kids have been watching a movie called Spiderman - into the spiderverse, a lot lately and I recognised this belief of mine in the hero of the film and the villain. Both the villain and the hero experience pain through personal loss of a close loved one. The villain didn’t want to face the reality or the pain this change brought with it and was willing to do whatever evil necessary to hold onto the past. The hero, faced his reality and the pain it cause and found faith and growth as he accepted his new reality. This inevitably made him better and strong enough to win against the villain.

Not sure where I’m going with all this, I just find it interesting. As I recognise challenges and growth in my own life, and in the lives of others around me. I’m grateful to identify as one that learns the lesson, I’ve generally considered myself a ‘slow learner’ but eventually I do get there. And I’m so grateful for that. I’m not always grateful for my challenges and trials, especially in the moment, but I am always grateful for the lessons I learn and carry with me, shaping and moulding me into a better person I never knew I could become.

Embrace your vulnerabilities. Learn from the things that make you feel emotional pain. And share your lessons learned with others. Vulnerability connects us. And makes us strong enough to win against adversity.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

School Holiday Happenings

It has been school holidays over the last two weeks. The first week was busy, I went and stayed in Sydney at my aunts house because I had to take Mathias to his appointment with the sleep Doctor. The appointment went well, he managed to get Mathias in for his sleep study on the same night as Carter next month, which is a miracle really they just happened to have a cancellation. I'll be so glad when all these specialist visits are done with! they are just a drag! 

Taylah-benet attended the district youth camp from Thursday, she had some responsibilities to take care of and she did such a great job. I'm so grateful she had some awesome help from my aunties getting her welcome packs ready for each of the youth. She had such a fun time on camp, it finished up on the Saturday which was our district temple day with youth baptisms in the morning that I was able to attend.

I have always loved attending the temple, and now being in the temple with my husband and daughter, watching her participate in sacred ordinances is such a special experience. I'm so proud of her and the beautiful young woman she is growing up to be.

I got to go out with my big sister on the Saturday evening which was so nice to chill and have my favorite pancakes!! sooo good, hang with my sister. I absolutely love having my three sisters, they are my best friends. It kind of makes me sad that my daughter won't have that. 

The second week of school holidays was great just chilling at home, getting a few jobs done but nothing too big. Mathias had dance class each day as he is preparing to do grade 4 ballet exams in September. 

We were also able to take our kids into town to the winter festival to the ice rink. They had a blast, especially Micah! he absolutely loved it!! 

I'm trying to gear myself up for another term of homeschooling. I really struggle with it, but it is perfect for Taylah so I need to try stick with it for her. She is preparing to sit her piano exam next month.

Overall it has been a super nice break from school, now back into it!!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

It’s a Good Day to have a Good Day!

To be completely honest this week has been a low one for me. Where pretty much everything is too hard. I don’t want to do anything, there’s too much I have to do and I can’t seem to get my head on straight enough to know where to start, so it’s all too much and I do nothing.

But there has been two days in particular where I got out of bed telling myself “Today I am going to have a productive day!” I find it fascinating how much our mindset controls. The power we have to decide if we are able to achieve something. So much of the battle is in our mind, and if we have already decided that we can’t do it, the unfortunate truth is, we won’t. Not if we continue to speak to ourselves that way.

All that said, it’s easier said than done. It can all seem insurmountable, which is how I feel a lot of the time.

There are a few things that help me overcome this ‘fixed’ mindset.

A huge one for me at the moment is outdoor walking. Another is my husband, he is an incredibly resilient human and helps bring a calmness to my often troubled mind. Attending the temple always helps me to feel peace. This next one is a really important one, be kind to yourself. Something I recently have begun to embrace. Learning to sit with these unpleasant feelings and be kind. Take a warm bath, eat the chocolate (try not to buy a family block), buy the shoes. Just know that those unpleasant feelings will pass, and likely return, but you are not alone.

Be kind 😘