Friday, November 30, 2012

Growing pains

Today Kerry picked up our new car. I am SOOOooo excited to be rid of our 2000 Holden Commodore that has been dying a slow and painful death for some time now, and into our new car, a 2007 Honda Accord. I'm so excited I spent an hour just driving around in it tonight after the kiddies were asleep.

It happened very suddenly and unplanned {which seems to be our thing} I was a little down feeling like I had to do this on my own because Kerry is so busy with work, more often than not, working six days a week lately. So when he arrived home a little earlier on Thursday I jumped right on it and convinced him that we should seize the moment and go and take a look at some cars.

We arrived at the dealers at 5.30pm and had 30 minutes before they were supposed to close. One thing lead to another and nearly an hour and a half later papers were signed and it was pretty much a done deal.

I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my back and I honestly can't believe that we got it! I am grateful to my Mum for letting us use her car while we tried to figure this out {but I'll save that for another post}

In other news, I set up a meeting with Taylah-benet's teacher to discuss her behaviour of late. I wanted to find out from her if anything might be going on in the playground that could be causing her to behave this way.

She told me there are no problems for Taylah-benet in the play ground. She does tend to play with the boys more than the girls but the girls are not excluding her in any way. She doesn't believe there is any malice behind Taylah-benet's acts or retaliation, just that Taylah simply isn't thinking about her actions and truthfully, that's how she plays with her brother.

Her teacher seemed more concerned with Taylah's attention and focus, or lack thereof. She is not completing any of her work in class, is always the last to follow any instruction to the class from the teacher. She is very easily distracted and struggles to focus her attention.

All of those things I knew because she is very much like that at home. Every morning I find it ironic that I have one child who I'm constantly telling to hurry up because she's 2 meters behind me, and one child who I am telling to slow down because he is 5 meters in front of me!

The teachers concern recommended that I might want to 'follow' it up with possibly a visit to a GP for a referral to someone who could assess if Taylah has a attention disorder.

I sat there wanting to cry! as I listen to the sincere concerns of Taylah's teacher. Her concern that this could hold her back in her learning as the work load increases throughout her schooling. A concern I share.

I came out wanting to cry, in fact I think I did just a little. But, as I discussed the meeting with Kerry, my sisters and my Mum, we all agreed on one thing {well, more than one} that Taylah-benet is Exactly like me!

Yeah, imagine my excitement in that revelation! not really a revelation because we've always known she is so much like me. I have a fear that she is too much like me. But then I remember she is like her daddy too. She has so much more confidence than I ever had at that age. I don't think I interacted with anyone, including the teacher, in my first few years of primary school.

So, I did think about taking her to a doctor or a specialist, but then I though, we are so quick to want to diagnose these days and really, what difference would it make if she was diagnosed with an attention disorder. She is not any wost than I was at that age and I turned out OK {Ha!}

If I strive to spend a little more one on one time with her, sitting down to read a story, write a sentence or do some math, then I'm doing the best I know how to help her continue to learn and progress.

I'm not going to take her to a specialist. But watch how she goes in year 1 and just try to encourage her to focus and concentrate.

Well, good job for making it this far! this post is a novel! Xx

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hey, It's the Weekend...and some other stuff

We've had a pretty full weekend and I am so glad it is Monday tomorrow! Taylah-Benet bit someone again at school on Friday. This time instead of being sensitive I was just angry! I tried a few 'empty' threats like, she couldn't be in her dance concert {totally empty because I've already paid so much for her to be in it} or she couldn't be in her primary presentation, neither of those got a response. It wasn't until I told her she couldn't have a drink of apple juice, that she threw a full blown tantrum! go figure!

Saturday night we celebrated my nephew Hendrix's 5th Birthday with an Avengers themed party. It was a really great night, just me and the two boys went while Kerry stayed home with Taylah-Benet.

Today {Sunday 25th November 2012} was our Primary Presentation at church. I Love watching Taylah-Benet get up and say her line, watching her sing and participate totally warmed my heart. I did spot a few moments where her attention was wandering off, but I could not have been more proud of my Beautiful little girl up on that stand today.

Tonight we went to Taylah-Benet's dance concert. She does jazz once a week and they have a big concert at the end of each year.She is not the most co ordinated girl, but I feel it is a great opportunity for her to have some fun, make some friends and see if it is a skill she might like to endeavor in. But most of all have fun! My two nieces are in the concert also and those Greening girls have got some talent! There is Havannah-Lily who is a little technical and hits the beat, she is such an amazing little dancer and has natural talent when it comes to music in general. Then there is the mischievous Ava-Ruby, who just can't keep still! A while back I read a story of a mother who had a similar problem with her child, this was back in the years where they were quick to diagnose ADHD, medicate and institute. This little girl didn't concentrate in at school or home so when the mother took her to the doctor, the wise doctor ask the mother to follow him out of the room and leave the young girl. They observed her from a distance while the doctor placed some music on in the room where she sat and she instantly got up and started dancing and moving. The doctor turned to the mother and said 'There's nothing wrong with your daughter, she a dancer' That, is Ava-Ruby, she can't keep still, literally, I've tried! she doesn't have the technical skill of her older sister, but she definitely has talent!

Then there's my sweet Taylah-Benet, and she is just that, sweet. she LOVES dancing! I'm not sure if it's her younger age but she hasn't displayed the same intuition as her cousins, but I love that she loves to do it reardless.

On Saturday I got my hair cut pretty short. I LOVE my long hair but I just wanted a change. I thought I might cry for the first day or two, but as soon as it was done and styled, I love it! I love how simple it is and I was going for something easier and quicker to style, I've had nothing but good comments on it too, but then again, who's brave enought to tell me otherwise!? I love it, the husband loves it, and thats all good.

I am so excited and looking forward to Taylah-Benet's 6th Birthday. I am planing a Rainbow themed party. I also Can Not Wait for Christmas! the kids stockings, done, kids christmas AND birthday gift's, done. And half of my family, done! Our last couple of family Christmas's have been handmade, we make all the gifts for our extended family christmas which is SOOO much fun, thoughtful and meaningful, but this year I decided to buy all the gifts and I'm so excited to give them all!

I am so glad our family continues to give gifts to everyone. I know it costs more, it would certianly be alot cheaper and easier to only buy for one person in our extended family and I used to wonder why we didn't do it! until a couple years ago during a conversation with my Mum and Nana about why we shouldn't do that, and I had to agree. Christmas wouldn't be the same. the kids don't care how expensive or cheap a gift was, that's not what matters. It's the joy felt in giving, the excitement for young children of opening gifts carefully wraped. I have great memories as a child on Christmas morning, waking up to find a neatly stuffed stocking at the end of my bed. Heading over to my grandparents place to meet up with our extened family to open more gifts. Sleeping out on my grandparents balcony watching the night sky carefully in the hope of catching a glance of Santa's sleigh. All the children acting out the Nativity, a tradition we still do today. All things I am so grateful for and hope to pass onto my children.

One year my uncle gave us rocks that he had painted. Another he gave us all a felt pen and my Nana a blank book in which we all would colour a favourite memory of that Christmas spent together as a family. As big as my family gets here in Sydney{we are going on 13 adults and 17 kids} I hope we never stop giving gifts to each other at Christmas time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today {Tuesday 20th November 2012} I picked Taylah-Benet up from school and checked her bag as I usually do, only to find a letter. I opened it right then and there. It read;

Dear Mr. and Mrs Pemberton,

Your child, Taylah-Benet, has recently displayed the following behaviour. The incident was investigated and followed up by classroom teacher and executive staff.

  • Picked up a child's arm and bit it.
Due to this behaviour, the following consequences were discussed with a view to give Taylah-Benet the opportunity to reflect on her behaviour:

  • Placed on detention for 2 days
  • Referred to Mrs Lloyd
I quickly turned to her and asked her to tell me what happened and basically, they were sitting in class, and Taylah-Benet was trying to talk this girl, and when she didn't respond she picked up her arm and bit it!

I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to do, I really just felt like I had just turned bright red. Not with anger, I'm not quite sure with what. I could hardly believe that my little princess had behaved like this at school. Haven't I taught her that, that kind of behaviour is not acceptable? haven't I taught her that is unkind?

As I went back to my sisters and had to slowly overcome my shock, I knew there needed to be a consequence, not just at school, but at home, to re enforce the lesson that her actions have consequences. So after talking it over, I felt I had found an appropriate consequence that would be painful for her...and for me.

But I decided to wait until Kerry and I could discuss it with her together.

As I watched her dancing I felt a sorrow. I watched my beautiful daughter who means the world to me, make this wrong choice. It pains me. But it never alters my love for her. It pains me that she needs to endure the consequences of her wrong choice in order for her to learn.

I felt a similarity. To the way God must feel for us. When I, as his child make a wrong choice, the sorrow he might feel to watch me, and knowing that the path back, to learn my lesson, is not an easy one, but necessary.

After Kerry arrived home from work, we, the three of us went to her room. Kerry and I sat together facing Taylah-Benet, each of us holding one of her hand as we explained to her the lesson she needed to learn. That behaviour is not acceptable. And her consequence at school would be 2 days of detention. And her consequence at home would be that she is not allowed to go to her cousins birthday party on the weekend. One that we have all been looking forward to.

As our message sunk in, we could both see her hurt. She, trying to hold back her tears and accept the consequence of her actions. I could not hold back my tears. I felt her pain.

I know she is young and has many many more lessons to learn that will have far greater consequences than this. But I will never forget this feeling.

I have so much love for her. After all is said and done, I ask her 'you know we love you? you know I love you? no matter what!'

As long as she knows I love her

Sunday, November 18, 2012

a little update on the happs..

Last Sunday {11th Nov 2012} Taylah-benet lost her third tooth, and on the other hand Carter is growing them like there is no tomorrow! he has ten teeth now, only four that are fully through, three that have just cut through and three that I can see just beneath his gum.

On a really random side note, I had a really random dream yesterday that I gave birth to another baby boy, but I had three more boys each named Carter, Mason and Cole! I was totally confused and woke up now wanting to call our next son Cole! I'd totally do it, Kerry wasn't too keen as we have already used Cole in Carters name.

Back on track!... He is growing so fast and I can hardly believe he will be one in three short months!

I am enjoying having him as my baby and even trying to delay his transition from my baby to my crawler then my toddler!! He is loving his solids, having three meals a day along with his bottles. He is getting better at sleeping through the night and will only wake if he missed a feed/bottle during the day.

Last weekend my Aunt Caroline moved to a small country town, three and a half hours drive away! I can't wait to go and see their new home!

Last Monday my Mum got back from a two week trip to Fiji. She went with a friend, to teach a group of woman how to sew patchwork and quilting. They devised the programme themselves, fund raised, and paid their own way there to make this dream of theirs a reality.

Unfortunately while there my Mum broke out with Shingles, and has spent the last week at home resting. She has been going to the eye hospital in the city as she got one on her eye and can't see out of it. They have been unable to assess the damage while it is still inflamed but we are all hopeful that it has not caused any permanent damage.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Car Matters

The last couple of days I have been a little stressed out worrying about my car. I know there are so many things wrong with it and it always seems like there is something else.

Yesterday I put the car in for a service so we could have it down on paper, all the things that need to be fixed and their cost. The grand total? was over $3000

As many problems it gives us, I am always mindful to be grateful. It allows me to get my daughter to and from school. It allows me to go to work. Getting me and my family from A to B day in day out. Without it, we would not be able to accomplish any of this so I am so grateful for it.

That being said, we need to make a choice. A choice on weather we should pay the money to get it fixed, or buy a new car.

As much as I would LOVE a new car, it's easier said than done. As Kerry and I have been discussing this matter in great depth, exploring our options and inventing new ones {like winning Smooth FM's smooth stars $130,000! only one more voice to guess!!} I had a feeling, a very quiet one, that as well as our conversations and inventions, we need to pray. Include the Lord in our decision so that he can help us make the right one!

Such a simple concept to some, this comes easily {not without their own practice} Practice that I have very rarely applied in my own life but one that I know I should.

I have complete Faith, that he helps us overcome ALL of our challenges and trials, even when we might be slow to acknowledge him. I have gained strength in my testimony as I look back on my life and see his loving hand guide me and my family.

Though I feel the weight of this matter upon me now, I Know, we, with the Lord, can get through this!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Star Struck

On Sunday we attended my sisters ward to watch my niece's and nephew in their Primary Presentation. As the Sacrament was being passed and the boys passing it were making their way down the isles closer to our row of seats, all of a sudden Taylah-benet started jumping on her seat she was so excited! she turned to me and trying to whisper "Mummy!, Mum! There's a 'One Direction' boy!" referring to one of the boys passing the sacrament!

As they got closer she spotted ANOTHER 'One Direction' boy! she could barely contain her excitement!

A couple of weeks back she also spotted Psy, the Korean singer of the popular 'Gangnam Style' at a nearby fish and chip shop! saying "I can't believe he's here in Australia and I got to see him!"

I couldn't find it in my heart to break the truth to her that it was just an Asian man in a suit and sunglasses!

Mathias and his OCD

Last Friday on my morning walk Mathias got given a scooter. The man who gave it to him was just getting rid of it, so after Mathias gave him a very loud and friendly 'Hello' he gave him this scooter.

For the next two days at least the scooter didn't leave his side! we had to take it everywhere with us, home, car, Camilla's, Bed. Yes, he was sleeping with it too! {I do have photo proof}

He certainly is a funny kid. I think he has a slight case of OCD. He'll wear the same shirt for days because he doesn't want to wear any other shirt except that 'one' When I finally wrestle it off him to wash it, if he so much as catches a glance of it on the line or in the washing pile, it's straight back on his body!

It's not any shirt in particular, just which ever one he has his little heart set on at the time.

On Tuesday Kerry was working at a shop at DFO and found some shoes he really liked for Mathias.

Needless to say, he's barely taken them off!!


A little over a week ago now Barack Obama was re-elected as the President of the United States of America. This usually wouldn't have my attention, but this election seemed to grab the attention of the entire world, well, the Latter Day Saint world, seeing as his opposition, Mitt Romney is a fellow member of the Church. I know I don't know enough to make an informed opinion on the whole election, but I was in favour on Romney. I honestly don't know if I am feeling biased in that decision {probably} but it seemed like a a good way to go for America, and the world. I felt like it was a sign of hope. Hope that things in the world today and ex specially America as far as economy was concerned, would have a fighting chance to improve.

I only watched one of the Presidential debates, and most if not all of what Romney was saying made sense to me it even reminded me of church teachings on promoting self reliance and debt elimination. None of what Obama had to say made any sense to me.

I feel for my family in America and I hope that there won't be any negative effects for them personally from this result. Hurry up and more over here already!!

In light of this election, I brought the news paper. I felt it was a significant event to remember and one I wanted to share with my children. I know that they are too young to comprehend it all so I thought I would start with something pretty basic.

The day after the election, I was driving in the car with the kids pondering how I could teach Taylah-benet about politics! I asked her if she knew who the Prime minister of Australia is? she didn't know {duh!} so, I tried to explain very simply who a Prime minister is, what they do, and who the prime minister of Australia is.

I know she doesn't remember the details of our conversation, because I asked her again the very next day. But that's how she will learn right.

I like the saying, "Bad things will happen when Good men do nothing." because it makes me feel like I have an obligation, which I do!

I know I am one of those who is doing nothing. I live in a beautiful country where I feel free to live and believe how I choose. but I don't concern myself with the decision on who I would choose to run it. {I can tell you I would NOT have voted for our current Prime minister}

I consider myself an Australian. I was born in New Zealand, but this is my home. This is where I grew up, this is where I love. This is where I am raising my family as Australians and I am blessed to live here.

I want to have a voice. I want to vote. I want to have a say. For good. For my family. For myself.

I want to teach my children the importance of using their voice to have their say. To stand up and fight for what they believe in. For what is right. So they can be better than me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Helping Hands

I have so many memories building up that I need to hurry up and write down before I forget! But, I have to share this, it had be crying! Thanks to Rockstar Diaries for sharing

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Week

It's been a pretty busy week here so I've taken some time out from the cleaning to give a little update while the big two play in there room, and Carter plays in his cot.

Taylah-Benet's Class presented their school Assembly this week in which she had a little speaking part. It was the cutest thing to watch her so confident, say her part. I did take a video of it for her Daddy as I do feel a little sorry for him having to miss out on these little things and he's always grateful.

Taylah went to a friends birthday party on Wednesday 'Halloween' and wore the only dress up we have, Spider man, or Spider girl in her case which is two sizes to small for her and belongs to her little brother, but she didn't care in the slightest.

Taylah-Benet as 'SpiderGirl' for Natalia's 'Halloween' Birthday party 31 October 2012

Thurday, my niece Havannah-Lily turned 9. I can't believe how fast this girl has grown, I remember the days when she was still in her Mummy's belly and I used to try and poke and prod my sisters belly until I could find the little baby inside.

I remember the day she was born, that first visit in the hospital, and watching her grow from a tiny little baby, to this big 9 year old girl. She was the first to make me an auntie, and she couldn't be more perfect.
Havannah-Lily's 9th 'Halloween' Theme Birthday Party Friday 2nd November 2012

Last night we celebrated her birthday in style with a 'Halloween' Theme birthday party.

Today is just a quiet one at home! Trying not to eat the treats left in the fridge and failing miserably!

I have lost 5 kilos though!! 5 down, 10 to go!