Thursday, June 27, 2019

It’s been a minute...

Well to be completely honest it’s been a lot longer than a minute but let’s not dwell on that shall we.

I love open discussion, I believe it allows people to learn from each other maybe even grow a little from it so let’s start a conversation.

I’m a mum to four awesome kids. I am wife to my one and only. And although those two titles describe 99% of my life, I am still me. I was an independent individual before becoming a mother and a wife, and I still am but these days that part of me can get lost from time to time. I forget myself because almost all of my time and effort is devoured by my obligations and responsibilities.

It’s a struggle to find a balance, but truthfully, I don’t believe there is such a thing. But I do know one thing, if I fall too far down the rabbit hole and forget who I was, who I still am, for too long, I will fall into a depressed state. So I try to think of the things that help me remember who I am, things that nourish me and fill my cup.

I’m learning to make ‘me time’ a priority too. I can be a better mother and wife when I know who I am.

So I’ve been walking. Walking, walking and walking a lot. I have a treadmill at home which is super convenient, I walk on there for my physical health and fitness. But I have absolutely fallen in love with walking outdoors. No music, just me, the pavement and the beautiful sky above. Walking outdoors nourishes my mental and emotional health. It feeds my soul!

It sounds corny I know, but it’s really that good!

So I’m curious, what kind of things do you do to fill your cup??