Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We brought a house

yup, we did and it's been one crazy ride to get here (what am I saying!? my whole life feels like a crazy roller coaster ride) but we made it. It's kind of a dream come true for me to finally have a backyard after 7 years in a two bedroom apartment, and oh, let me tell you, I have a beautiful backyard that is perfect for my growing family.

I'm still getting use to Cowra, I'm not sure if it will ever feel like home to me, but I have learnt something. I absolutely love Sydney hands down I consider Sydney to be my home. So I miss it, a lot and it was very difficult to leave. But over time I truly began to discover that no matter where I physically am, my heart and my home is wherever my family are. My husband and my three little people are apart of me more than any town or city, or country. Sydney would be empty with me and not them. Anywhere is. So, for now my heart and my home live here.

We also brought a pup. Another life long goal ha! I grew up with a beautiful loving golden labrador and have wanted one "when I grow up" ever since. So on Friday (4/9/2015) we picked up our gorgeous chocolate boy labrador pup we've named Richie.

We've only had him 4 days and it's all extremely new to me. I feel like a first time mum all over again, scared of making mistakes and trying my hardest not to stuff it up and end up with a naughty pup. There is a lot I didn't realize about his breed in particular or I under estimated how much time, effort and energy would be needed to care for him properly. But as I study up on how to provide the best start for him in our family, it reminds me of my roll as a mother to my three babies. A roll that more often than not, gets forgotten because I'm just striving (and struggling!) to survive!

Being a mother/parent is a tough gig! and that is putting it lightly. It is so incredibly complex that there is no one way to do it. It is hard, and I struggle more often than I triumph, but as with most of life's lessons I learn the most through the struggle. But it's usually not until I'm near the end. So I tend to loose hope and confidence a lot, during. So I guess the message is, try not to loose hope. Have confidence and faith that you are doing the best you can with what you have. And if you know you can do better, try that little bit harder, and I know you will grow for the better from it. (Ghee! I should really take my own advice!!)