Thursday, June 15, 2017

Friday 16th June 2017

It's Micah's 1st Birthday today. He's sick, I'm sick. So it's a pretty uneventful birthday but I'm very aware of the fact that he won't remember a thing so we had never really planned to make a big feast of it today. We will have a birthday cake and sing happy birthday, and I'll video it so he can look back on it.

I hate being sick!!!

Monday, June 5, 2017


Micah will be turning 1 this month and it is crazy insane how fast his first year of life earthside has gone!! I am ecstatic to still be breastfeeding him and I absolutely love every second of it (even the 2..3...4 sometimes more times a night) there is something purely intimate about breastfeeding my bub, the skin on skin attachment, the physical and emotional bond.

Kez and I started a diet today, an effort to kick start a healthier way of eating for our family. It can be so hard because it takes a lot of time and research to put the healthiest meals together, not to mention having to do it for 6 of us...three + meals a day.

All I ate today was vegetable soup, but even that couldn't be sugar free. the chicken stock has it and even the canned tomatoes in tomato juice!

I was planning to go to the gym tonight, but my body is adjusting...or gone into shock because of the significantly huge lack of sugar I've fed it today. so I'm just going to go sleep! FYI: I love sleep!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Young Women's President

Last year at the end of October I was released from my calling in Primary and called to be the Young Women's President. I was petrified. Now I've been in this calling for over 6 months and although it keeps me super busy (and a little stressed) I am enjoying it. It is a new challenge for me, and new opportunity to learn and grow, and boy do I feel like I'm learning.

It is hard to juggle everything and find a balance. I love studying and preparing to teach a Sunday lesson, I learn so much from this study and only get to share less than 10% of what I study with the young women.

I have 7 active young women and 3 less active, and I love them all so much. Coming from primary it is a huge contrast, young kid would literally give their left arm to answer ALL the questions. Youth, unless the topic is on who wore what or who said what at school, it's tough to get a boo out of them...some days. Occasionally they can surprise and be super at participating in the lessons and give great contributions to discussions. Today was not one of those days! it was the opposite. My one (great) councilor is sick and was scheduled to teach the lesson but wasn't well enough to come to church so with less then 24 hours I had to prepare to teach a lesson on 'What is the Priesthood?'

Get to church and my poor bub is so tired, I go to get his pram out and realize it's still at home. So I go home to get it and he falls asleep on the way, I get it anyway, head back to church, but decide to sit in the car and let him sleep a bit. turned out he was way tired and slept 2 hours. I needed to get into YW to teach, hubby is still teaching youth Sunday school and the 5 year old is trotting around the place at free will!

So husband came out from teaching, I gave him the down low that he needed to stay with baby. I go into YW and next thing I know husband in opening the door with bub in hand! and 5 year old hanging off him. So my two little boys are coming in and out while I'm trying to teach a lesson I feel unprepared for to a room full of YW who look like they would rather be at home in bed than sitting with me in a class room at church!

Not to mention having to have our monthly class presidency meeting after church.

I shouldn't complain. It really not bad, just very, very...very full on.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday 2 June 2017

I went back to my Doctor on Wednesday. I haven't been in forever! and was way over due. I felt I needed to see her because back in December over the Christmas season I stopped taking my medication purely because I would keep forgetting to take it, especially being on holiday. so when I got back home and still in holiday mode (school holidays at least) I still kept forgetting to taking forward to June!! and I'm still not taking it and have lost all my scripts. anyway, there have been occasions where I've had thoughts or feelings that lead me in that direction, and it scares me, the thought of 'relapsing' generally I feel fine.

So the visit went good, and I'm going to continue not taking it, but she gave me a prescription just in case I feel I need to start back on it again.

This week has been crazy! but not, at the same time. I know that doesn't even make sense. So much thinking in my head and I let it all boil up. I so grateful that I have Kerry to talk to, and we've been through enough for me to be able to easily talk to him and tell him how I truly feel and what I'm thinking. how did I get so lucky!? I love him so much.

I sold our TV this week. I hate too much TV and I've had way too much lately. I love not having it. I feel like it clears the air for me, I just love it.

I am looking forward to a hopefully boring weekend filled with a lot of doing nothing but chilling ( and cleaning/organizing) at home.