Sunday, May 26, 2013

Has it really been THAT long!?

This is one of my favorite photos from my wedding day, but it wasn't a posed shot. After our ceremony on Frenchman's Beach, La Perouse, getting so cold in my strapless gown someone lent me their jumper while we waited for the rest of the bridal party to take photos.

It sums up so well how we felt, so in love standing there, cold on the windy shore. Not sure where our lives would take us, but ready to face the world together.

Marriage is certainly not easy. It is a lot of work, give, take and compromise. But being in love, it's like the easiest feeling in the world. As long as we remember that, we'll always be OK.

7 years down, Eternity to go!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yuck ek

I was quite looking forward to my Friday, just Carter and myself. Everything seemed  relatively normal {except for the small clue that Mathias had been in our bed that night complaining of a soar tummy!} So after dropping Taylah-Benet at school, I proceeded to take Mathias to preschool, when he jumped up from his car seat and said 'Mum, i gunna be sick!' I swiftly pulled over to the side of the road {unfortunately in a very public place} pushed the button to make his window go down and told him to do it outside! so I felt terrible as I sat watching him behind me in my side mirror throwing up out the window!

I got out, wiped his mouth, the side of my car was now covered with his 'sick' then got back into my car when I saw a woman in the car driving pass waving frantically at me. I thought to myself, crap! she's going to say something to me about my sons vomit on the side of the road!

She pulled her car in front of mine, jumped out and came running over to me with a disposable sick bag and some tissues!

I was so touched by this strangers act of kindness that even though I was not feeling panicked in the situation I felt like crying! I didn't, but I was shocked and overwhelmed by such a small and simple act of kindness.

So, I turned the car around and took him home. Kept him on the couch all day denying each of his requests to eat 'real' food! instead giving him nothing but toast and water.

That evening, Carter threw up in his highchair.

2 am last night, Taylah-Benet threw up in the bathroom, then again in the car, into the sick bag! {LIFE SAVER} later in the morning.

Yay-ness right!?

Other than the vomiting, they have been going about their day as their usual selves. Playing, fighting & all the rest.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Winter blues

It's getting colder here in Sydney and it kind of sucks. I hate the cold {one of my big reasons of never living in NZ again} there are a few things however, that I do like about the cooler weather,

1. Slippers, fresh new slippers, big bed socks, it doesn't matter if my whole body is warm except for my feet, if they are cold I can't sleep! so I try to keep them warm as much as I can.

2. Blankets, warm ones, snuggling under a warm blanket in the evenings which leads onto my next one

3. Hot Chocolates, seriously is there anything better than a hot chocolate in winter!? especially Thermomix hot chocolates! add a Tim Tam slam complete yummy-ness {OK, now I want one!}

4. Soup, hot soup with fresh {thermomix} bread rolls, pretty much essential in winter.

Tell me, what things do you love in winter, what do you do to keep warm?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chocolate and Almond Torte {Gluten-free}

I made this yesterday after my epic failed attempt at making a humming bird cake, where the recipe called for 'mashed banana' I chopped them! duh! so it turned out more like a dry cake with chunks of banana and pecan with a close resemblance to vomit! suffice to say, it was indeed an epic fail.

So with only about two hours to spare before my guests arrived, I dived into my much love and trusted 'David Herbert's Best-Ever Baking Recipes' book to find a new cake to make, one that wouldn't fail!

I love trying new recipes so I pick this Chocolate and almond torte {which is also gluten free} and it was amazing! sooooo yum. as he introduces the cake in the cookbook he states "This gluten free cake is so rich and dense it is more of a desert than a cake. All it needs is a dusting of cocoa or icing sugar before serving with cream or ice cream"

TRY IT!! it is super yum, it's like a desert can thank me later ;)

Prep 20 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 10-12 {ha, yeah right!}

400 g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
250 g unsalted butter diced
6 free-range eggs
400 g caster sugar
pinch of salt
100 g ground almonds
cocoa for dusting (optional)
cream or ice cream to serve (optional)

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a 23 cm spring form tin and line the base with baking paper.

Place the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water (make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water) until melted. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for about 10 minutes.

Place the eggs, sugar and salt in an electric mixer and mix on medium speed for about 7-8 minutes or until think and pale. Add the melted chocolate and then the ground almonds and fold in with a large metal spoon.

Spoon the batter into the tin and bake for 45 minutes - the middle of the cake will still be a little soft, but that's fine. Leave to cool in the tin (it will sink while cooling) dusting with cocoa (if using) and serve slightly chilled with cream or ice cream, if liked. wrap the cake well in plastic film and store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

If you ever come across this cook book I would highly recommend it if you love to bake. It is absolutely awesome and I haven't made anything from it I haven't liked!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The happs

Taylah-benet's is well and truly back at school for term two. I've been really impressed with the progress she has made, however her teacher has raised the concern regarding her slow pace. It gives the impression that she doesn't know how to do things, when really she does, she's just not doing them at a regular pace. She's the second teacher who has recommended taking Taylah-benet to see a doctor/specialist.

Mathias is doing really well at preschool this term. We haven't had any problems separating in the mornings {knock on wood!} I went to visit him at preschool last Friday for a Mother's Day morning tea. It was really great to watch him participate and play. I think it's the longest I've ever seen him sit still and follow instructions! Watching him run around the playground with five other little boys following him always reminds me of how so very different he is to Taylah-benet.

Carter is still not walking! I know I should be enjoying every week that passes where he isn't running around yet, but I feel like he moves around enough now it really wouldn't make that much of a difference. He'll walk pushing a toy or a chair, he can stand up on his own in the middle of the floor, he just isn't taking steps on his own. He seems to have gotten more hungry of late, upping his wheatbix intake to three! And it's as thought he demands to have his dinner now too! He is in a terrible 1 stage, you know, like the terrible 2's but he's not 2. He gets into EVERYTHING! And it drives me nuts. He loves climbing on the table, pushing the dinning chairs on our wooden floors to make a terrible loud sound, and a favourite, opening draws and just throwing its content as far as he can! Rushing into the bathroom to stand on the toilet, on occasion actually getting into the toilet! Eating rocks, throwing the clean unfolded washing everywhere, it's like his mission is to just make mess!

And me!? I'm great. I had a good Mother's Day, Taylah-benet was so excited to give me the present she got for me from school, a pink mug, and Mathias gave me a little wooden heart tea light holder. We visited my mums ward followed by lunch with the family, then headed home fora late afternoon nap!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I've been blessed with so many amazing mothers in my life.

My Nana, whom I admire so much. Even as ailments plage her health, she makes every effort to stay in touch with her children. She travels as often as she can on her tiny budget to France, America and New Zealand to spend time with them and their families. The last couple of weeks I have been thinking allot about my grandad. I can't imagine being separated with my husband for 1 year, never mind 19 years. I have thought how sad it must be for her to not have her sweetheart here with her. I'm sure she must have moments where her heart longs to have him here with her, but I feel that her testimony of the gospel is so strong that she is comforted with the knowledge that this life, is but a small moment, and they will be together again for all eternity one day.

My Aunty Caroline. She is allot younger than my Mum, and is still raising a young family. I admire her so much, in her ability to teach her kids small but very important lessons everyday. They are taught to be responsible for the home they live in, that is provided for them through daily chores that they all understand they must do to pitch in. What I love most about her is the example she sets, her strong testimony of the gospel, her love of our Father in Heaven, shines through as she goes about her days, and runs her home, and raises her children.

My sister Sariah. Now she doesn't have kids yet, but I don't believe this excludes her from a day to celebrate mothers. She is an amazing mother in her own right. She loves my children along with all her nieces and nephews. I love having long conversations with her. She teaches me so much about the things she learns, not just in her studies but about things she learns though her life experiences. Although she has her struggles, she always stays strong in her love, and testimony of the gospel. She always encourages me to nurture my testimony, to grow my testimony.

Last but not least, my Mum. She nearly lost her life to give me mine, and then she tired on to do whatever she had to, to give me my best start in life. She has taught me so much about how to be a good mother to my children through the example she set for me. I am so grateful for the relationship I have with my mum, I can talk to her, be open and honest and I know she can do the same with me. I could never fully express the gratitude I feel for my mum.

Of course there are many more which I'll tell you about another time.

Thank you to my husband, for loving me and supporting me he helps me be a better mother.

And you three! I love you so much. I will always love you with my whole heart. No matter where life takes you, I hope you will never forget the love I have for you is unconditional.

You are the greatest adventures of my life!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Little Sis

Today's my little sisters 26th Birthday and she's not so little anymore. I love thinking back to the days when we were carefree kids just out to have a whole lot of fun. Digging a massive hole in our front yard and filling it with water to create our very own mud bath. Jumping and jumping as high as we could on our trampoline, yelling at the top of our voices. Exploring up the hill, playing in the bamboo bush like it was our secret place. We were like 'peas and carrots' inseparable.

Although we are grown up now and our lives heading in different directions, I will always love you. I will always be here for you. I'm so proud of the beautiful woman you have grown up to be. You ooze confidence in yourself and in your knowledge and abilities. You love unconditionally, and you go after what you want, and you work hard to get it. I love that about you.

I Love you, my life is blessed because of you. Happy Birthday baby sister Xx