Saturday, October 1, 2022

School Holidays, warmer weather

 It's school holidays at the moment and it's going ok so far. The upside, the kids look after Oakley so I can sleep. The downside, I know I'm taking advantage of that and have been sleeping/staying in bed until after 12pm. Tomorrow is a public holiday so Kerry is home, then Tuesday and Wednesday are his last days working at Kelso Electrical. Thursday Kerry and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera at the Sydney Opera house, Then Friday and Saturday Kerry and Taylah are going to spend the weekend together to give them an opportunity to connect with each other, while me and the boys stay at Camillas for the weekend. We'll come home on Sunday, but leave Kerry there because his first 4 days with Enacon he is doing training in Sydney. $12,000 worth of training they are investing in him! it's a pretty amazing opportunity, he feels like an apprentice all over again, but super excited to get into all this new area of electrical. 

We took the kids to the swimming pools on Friday and I took Oakley swimming and he absolutely loved it! He is so freaking cute. It was a little uncomfortable bearing my skin, but I did it anyway. I was taken back a little when one of Micahs little friends asked me 'what happened to my skin?' little kids are so sweet and so innocent I don't mind the question, I just hadn't thought of what I might reply, so I just smiled at him and he floated away.

I've been on the probiotic for 4 and a half weeks now and having acupuncture treatments every Saturday for 10 weeks now. I think the probiotic has given me the most relief, now I'm really considering opting out of seeking modern medicine and attempt to heal my body primarily through diet and lifestyle changes. It will be hard, but I think the benefit to my overall health and wellbeing would be huge and I know the modern medicine path leads to one solution, a biologic medication to suppress my immune system and expose my body to other possible side effects all the while not treating the root cause of the problem. I 100% believe my body to designed to heal itself, I just need to try and give my body fuel to strengthen it's innate function to fight my disease rather than continue to eat foods that feed it. And it seems counter productive to get medication to treat the symptom and continue the diet that feeds the disease. All that said, I'm not going to rush and cancel my appointment with the dermatologist, it's still a month away. I'll just use this time to try and implement the diet changes. I'd really like to start doing inferred sauna treatment but I don't think I can afford it on top of the acupuncture treatments too, I may just need to stop the acupuncture while I try inferred sauna treatments.